Tuesday 6 December 2011

EU Inquisition

It's been reported that the EU is investigating the over-pricing of e-books; this includes Apple, as well as Rupert Murdoch’s Harper Collins and Penguin, which is owned by Britain’s Pearson Group.  

The concerns originate from these conglomerates overpricing the downloads to devices like the iPad, e.g. Apple’s iTunes store currently offers an eBook download of the biography of its founder Steve Jobs for £12.99, whereas Amazon charges £11.97 for the hardback version.  Finally, it seems as though the clasp that Apple has over the public is beginning to break free; hopefully, we may soon see the prices of Apple products reduce dramatically, making the brand more accessible to all areas of the public.  This also proves to Apple themselves that they cannot get away with the overpricing of their products, and may realise now that the public are on to them and will think twice about buying an Apple device in the future.   Over-priced

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