Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Apple Loses Strength

The long lawsuit between Apple and Samsung is finally closing, after months of harsh aqusations from Apple, claiming that the Samsung Galaxy tablet, 

"Samsung has chosen to slavishly copy Apple's innovative technology, distinctive user interfaces, and elegant and distinctive product and packaging design, in violation of Apple's valuable intellectual property rights."
So what does this mean for Apple? Does this show the world that Apple is losing its hold on the technology market? Or, by Apple engaging in legal conduct, does this, in effect, publicise Samsung's "mimic" Galaxy tablet?  Hopefully Apple will now realise that they aren't invincible, and do operate within the boundaries of the law.  The public have the image of Apple, as being the fashionable, trendy company, who are constantly spewing out ideas for devices that will prove beneficial to the customers lifestyle if they purchase it; but it's obvious that Apple's ulterior motive is to gain as much profitability as possible; this situation portrays the ideology that Apple don't want any competition in the technology world, so they can create a larger profit - so does this mean Samsung could soon become the high scorer on the tech leader-board? Apple Loses Its Edge

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