Before the death of Steve Jobs, Apple initially began the project 'Apple TV'; the project has been slowly progressing along for many years, producing a first generation version, however there have been rumours in the background, behind the hyped up release of the iPhone 4 and 5, stating that there will be another generation released soon; However Steve Jobs had been quoted before his death, saying that Apple TV will no longer be a hobby for Apple.
Although it hasn't had anywhere near the same amount publicity as the other 2011/2012 devices, this doesn't mean that there aren't those members of the public that have zoned in on this first generation of the product, who are also highly anticipating its updated arrival. Unfortunately for these potential customers, Apple TV has slowly disappeared without anyone noticing, and as the Apple blogger, Don Resigner puts it - without a eulogy. He also comments upon this lack of progress with the Apple TV, which he highly recommends to his subscribers, however, he can't believe the slowly vanishing of the device. This sort of behaviour from big conglomerates can be annoying for many people. This blatantly portrays that Apple believes, that due to the fact that they hold a monopoly situation within the technology industry, it justifies this teasing behaviour that they so often create within their publics. However, I believe that this situation can be looked upon in a positive light; hopefully with Apple's true colours showing within recent lawsuits and news, the general public will realise that Apple isn't all its made up to be. Saying this, hopefully this will allow smaller, individual companies to emerge in this economic climate, so that smaller businesses will have a chance in the industry. It's about time that people realise that huge businesses like Apple, who have been around for many years, take advantage of their status and popularity. Blogger
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