Tuesday 18 October 2011


Apple has released the new 'Siri' voice application for the iPhone 4S; in my opinion, this is possibly one of the best developments that Apple has introduced to us since the actual iPod, making life much simpler for the user... however, I can see how some would feel that it's quite lazy.

With this new feature for Apple users to enjoy, it does raise the question whether Apple will have smoothed out all the creases in the new characteristic for the iPhone’s.  It’s been seen before – a device that communicates with the user, such as automated systems on phones that often grace the lines of Orange, Vodafone, T Mobile etc. often has trouble communicating with the person on the other end, struggling with accents and dialect – so hopefully Apple, having the prestigious tech conglomerate image, will have evaluated the system completely, before its release.Information on Siri

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